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my husband makes me grin...he is always doing something to make me laugh
from making up songs to quoting stupid movies to me at inappropriate times, its always a laugh fest at our house

Bethany Comstock

My kids make me smile...especially when I see my baby boy smile, and my daughter dances. :-)

Bethany Comstock

I tweeted the giveaway link!

lynn  cook

my dog, she is still a puppy and her crazy antics just totally make my day

lynn  cook

shared on FB under [email protected]

lynn  cook

tweeted the giveaway under lynnc50


The sun being out this morning makes me grin. It's still below 30 degress out, but the sun brightens me up!

Lauren Perez

Nothing makes me smile like seeing my daughter get excited! It is a joy that could remedy the worst day!


My little nephew, especially when he laughs!

Karen Norris

my husband sends me funny emails makes me laugh out loud....I need that!


Getting my first email from "catching fireflies" this morning and liking them on facebook. Watching a squirrel in the backyard eating all the bird seed.

donna coleman

my coworkers make me grin... and laugh my butt off on a daily basis. They are an instant pick me up and a fantastic group to be around.

Amy Noel

Sun makes me happy! And my little girls, and book club with my girlfriends :)


my kids make me grin, especially when they share their innocent, musical, and contagious laughter! :)


shared this on facebook too! :) love your contests!

Linda Bailey

Laughing babies make me grin and sometimes even smile out loud!! And of course, all the cute things that Catching Fireflies has for sale!

Linda Bailey

I just shared this link on Facebook!

Marie Konyha

The cat I just adopted was named "Don Juan." You cannot change a name as wonderful as that, and you can't help but smile each time you say it.

Jennifer Cashin

My babies make me smile!

Jennifer Cashin

shared on Facebook


My cat makes me grin when he's laying on his back with his feet up, anywhere, against the wall, on the couch.... He's so darn cute.


my sweet dog Chili makes me grin, she is a bundle of energy & snuggly love!


Shared on facebook.....


I shared on Facebook under Irisha Spillan. They never get my name right.

Are you sure about the giveaway date being February 29, 2011? If so, guess I missed it along with a bunch of others.


My cat makes me grin when he is insistent that I get off "his" favorite chair by staring and meowing at me. Of course, I finally give in & he's happy as can be, curling up & purring.

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